Sunday, December 29, 2013


I simply couldn't let 2013 end with an even number of blog posts, so this 31st entry is merely to say, Happy New Year, to you and yours.

My own cancer-diminished body is looking forward to heading back out onto the golf course within another month or two, so I am gladly seeing this mad year of surgeries and strength-sapping pain wave "Good-bye!" I'm ready to live.

To all of us who have made it through to another new year (under the heading of "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger"), I say let's kick some ass and have a lot of old-fashioned FUN in 2014. And along the way, I personally will contribute more to cancer research. I can't bear the thought of a lot more folks going through what I did, and that was minor in comparison to the horrors many have suffered.

Some words on the wall treatment here in my son's home where I am visiting, read out in the simplest of good admonitions: DREAM BIGGER - Laugh often - Respect each other - Use kind words - LOVE ALWAYS

Happy New Year

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Partisan Preconceptions

A current client of mine (I'm listing and selling his home for him) is an aging football coach. He seems to have basic intelligence and he has, through some inheritance and probably a portion of dumb luck - plus a reasonable degree of business common sense - managed to amass a small net worth that makes him feel as though he is in the 1% category. In other words, a standard Republican.

While tossing out huge generalities about this or that item he has to be concerned about due to his tax bracket, he also got in his jabs at the Affordable Care Act. Naturally (for a Republican) that involved spitting out the derisive nickname, "Obamacare" in the process of his trying to say how disgusted he is by the whole thing. The fact that he is (as am I) enjoying the benefits of the governmental single-payer healthcare plan known as Medicare, doesn't make him less opinionated or less disrespectful toward a hard-won plan that covers more Americans who otherwise couldn't afford healthcare. To the contrary; older Republicans are the worst. They can not even remember a time when they were more democratic, more fair and compassionate in nature. Now that they "have it," they don't give a damn about those who don't.

This self-satisfied old Republican who is the fine looking speciman he should be for a man who has spent his life in sports, has the temerity to slur the ACA which does not affect his life at all, and the point seemed to be nothing more than a chance to slur the President. He opined to me, "What a mental midget!" Interesting.

One would think that even a coach is nonetheless a person in the field of education and may actually care about such simple matters as the ability to think and to speak. One might think that any educated person may have some ability to recognize others who are obviously advanced in intelligence and ability to govern.

Can you recall a time when the most recent former president, that person to whom I refer as our national embarrassment, ever sat for an hour with a commentator/questioner in an auditorium filled with university students and invited open discussion of any and all types concerning his policies or practices? No, probably not. I can not recall such a thing happening from 2001 to 2009. And cannot imagine such a scene! Sure, I confess to not seeking out such events due to my difficulty in listening to someone who sounded so ignorant as to jar my senses; still, I doubt he would have subjected himself to such a test. Surely his handlers shied away from putting him in positions where his ignorance glared.

President Obama said in his interview with Chris Matthews that after five years in the presidency, he felt humbled. He said one would have to feel more humble rather than cocky in such a roll. I said aloud, "He never listened to Bush!"

But I suppose that the bantam rooster of an excuse for a leader used what tools he possessed. Lacking actual intelligence and presidential skills, he fell back on bravado and privilige. Too bad that Republicans - old and young alike - could not see him for what he was (and was not) and much worse that they today cannot see that what we now have is a true leader with skills to rescue our nation from the horrors of eight years of degradation. They apparently can't even see the gradual growth in our economy and improvement of our current state. All they can see is that our capable President is not a "Conservative" so therefore is the enemy. (Oh, yeah - he is also not white!) Why not attack his intelligence? Republicans don't recognize intelligence for what it is, having seen so little of it in their own party.

Unbelievable! Since conservatives are completely dedicated to wealth and there is more of that around today than ever (for them!) thanks to the crock-market, one would think they would be so appreciative.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Criminal Republicanism

Okay, try to read without instantly throwing the wall in front of your mental acuity; I will endeavor to be clear even if caustic.

Republicanism as I mean it here is a general attitude, of which I have spoken in earlier posts. Not all Republicans (as flesh-and-blood humans) act criminally, in my estimation. There are individual Republicans I can confess to loving even if I sometimes am repulsed by their harsh comments.

Watching news that reveals the widespread general attitude of oppression of the masses (because if the vast base of our society are the have-nots, they must be guilty of laziness or something worse), I am struck by the evidence that the most criminally oppressive Republicans are those who claim godliness.

If you have read any of my previous writings you are probably (maybe painfully) aware of my strong statements regarding religion. My own constructed axiom is: "Nothing else is so limiting to the human mind as is religion." Sidestepping here my usual progression into discussion of the most egregious criminality of religion itself - horrible events from history that underscore my strong statements - I want to focus on that slippery little thing called "Christian giving." [ You may want to Google the idea; there are studies on how to do this religious requirement. ]

What bothers me so fundamentally is the fact that "good Christians" (!) will study on how to give to the poor and will often dutifully support The Salvation Army and many other charities; they may even give to someone on a face-to-face, personal level when they see the needy up close. But given the chance to vote on some policy in government, almost as a block the Christians among us will choose to limit what is available to those same poor or disenfranchised citizens. In fact, they often help mightily in such miserably misguided states such as Texas, to do the disenfranchising. (It appears that Texas voter rights are essentially now limited to those above the poverty line.) Christians are the most faithful minions of Republican radicals; today's "Tea Party" is the best evidence of such radicalism. That group of hard-line control freaks could not exist were it not for the wholesale underwriting of Christians who consider themselves to be "good" God-fearing members of society.

And therein lies the problem! These folks FEAR a supreme being they have grown up believing is actually there and actually telling them what to do if they hope to ever attain a heaven or afterlife of any kind. (And even though the only mention of human government in scripture is instruction to stay out of it because "My kingdom is not of this world," still most Christians seem determined to go against such instruction from their "savior" and joyfully vote to restrict their neighbors' personal freedoms.) It's the same drive that directs Muslims who want their paradise above anything temporal or worldly. Hence they all, Christians, Muslims - people of any belief base that promises something better to be desired after this life - err on the side of catering to phantoms when it would be more deeply rewarding to be sincerely involved in real giving. It must be that humans just don't deserve the real giving of which religious people might be capable, because the true drummer for believers is out in some nebulous place telling them to follow something "greater." They convince themselves that the greater good is to hold fast to that traditional belief and hope for eternity; damn the human poor who are always there to be needy. Maybe the needy poor can be helped in the future from the new godly home where the formerly human "good Christian" will reside. [ This is not some weird slant I have concocted; it was what I believed and taught as a young, fundamentalist Christian pastor! ]

Laws enacted by the faithful votes of "good Christians" keep women in Texas (along with other states) from getting help with all kinds of medical care, including abortions if they are needed. Why? Because Christians are convinced that abortion is wrong! Okay, if religious people feel something is wrong, the only godly requirement upon them is to NOT DO that something. Yet they en masse will vote into law a prohibition against that something, when the law is detrimental to many other people holding many different (and some the same) beliefs.

From the many years I devoutly studied the Christian Bible, the act of being meddlesome did not seem to be promoted there, except long after the purported life of Jesus when an opportunist who spoke several languages began writing his letters and telling women (in particular) what they had to do. That control freak, Saul of Tarsus, would be a major player in today's Republican Party and would surely run the Tea Party entirely. His chief deacon could be Ted of Texas!

It truly is sad that so many folks in our society who consider themselves good (except on the surface they naturally have to say they don't) are entirely in the automatic votes column for "conservative" political candidates. While the true Republican Party is all about money and power, the Christian segment of it is there only because of misguided beliefs that good people should control their neighbors to protect them from themselves and from the fires of hell.

Republicanism is guilty of any number of crimes against humanity; it's too bad that unsuspecting "good Christians" have so blindly assisted in the criminal acts against the poor and downtrodden whom they truly believe they are helping.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Nelson Mandela

Beautiful tributes were everywhere visible over the two days since Mandela's death on December 5th. Rightfully so - just as it will be right and proper to conduct all of the on-going celebrations of his life, both those we are shown on television and the many that will happen away from our public eye. Mr. Mandela was one of the truly great and towering figures of all human history.

Watching the coming barrage of praises to be heaped upon this great man, praises from all sectors, will be a bittersweet experience. Because I know that many of them will be completely hypocritical.

Why is Mandela celebrated as a great human being? Because of his great humanity - his humanitarianism. He stood for equality for all of us living under the label: homo sapiens. He stands in the line with the Buddha, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr. Are these activist icons of history roundly loved or even highly admired by ALL people? Far from it; many hate them and what they stood for. Likewise, as the days of mourning Mandela slip into history, his detractors will come into view - and definitely into earshot. Some were already heard on day-1.

Soon there will surely be a comment hurled by some harsh hardliner who represents those on the opposite side of the resistance against racism and inequality. For example, a person such as the confidant of one of our loud and ugly tea-party Senators (the writer who purportedly celebrates the birthday anniversary of John Wilkes Booth), may well offer the opinion that it was a mistake to let Mandela out of prison - or even that the young resistance leader should have been given the death penalty.

There is an amazing hatred within our societies for the very concept of equality, and naturally, hatred for those who promote it. Imagine - a profoundly lovely song by John Lennon promoting equality and peace - is certainly not respected or loved by any of those who do not love the likes of Mandela or the others mentioned above. Certainly many speak openly against John Lennon and probably could not even listen to that beautiful song, which contains some of the finest sentiments ever set to music. One of my all-time favorites because I love peace and equality.

I've purposely avoided directly linking my thoughts this morning to my most recent post prior to this one, but it's impossible to miss the obvious.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

INclusive -- EXclusive

Compassionate -- Disinterested

Involved -- Distant

Tolerant -- Unforgiving

Broadminded -- Narrow

Lenient -- Exacting

Suffering -- Insufferable

Liberal -- Conservative

Democrat -- Republican

Inclusive -- Exclusive

Not just words on a list; these are observations from news and politics. I am politically an Independent, so I get to watch from a perch as separated as I can manage, observing how the two major parties operate. I like the left side far better in most policy fights. I prefer the characteristics in the left column.

Never have I understood the attitude of desire to GET and to HAVE at the expense of others. The desire to GIVE and to SHARE makes my personal world a better place.

I live among Republicans. Do they ever give? Absolutely. Some wealthy neighbors have even been helpful to me personally. And on the grand scale, multi-millionaires give a great deal in numbers of dollars to charities and they pay taxes; the combination often totals as much as 25%, 35% or even more of their wealth. This leaves them with only many more millions to keep and to use in their struggle through life. On the macro level, the wealthy are able to do great things with their financial strength, and many do. [Witness the likes of Bill and Melinda Gates whose politics I don't even know but whose generosity is legendary.] Others may do awful things with it instead. [Witness the likes of Charles and David Koch whose politics I know very well and whose self-interest is legendary.]

I do realize that by listing those words in the introduction I am emphasizing huge generalities, but I am suggesting that we step back and look at the huge picture - the "macro" view. Do I know Democrats who are selfish and Republicans who are generous - on the micro level? Absolutely. But I am asking that you see the macro view and consider our nation's plight.

Observe Democrats. Do they give? Almost constantly, whether they have much to give or almost nothing (the "widow's mite," so to speak.) But more than just giving their meager amounts from their nominal wealth, they seem to want to see others benefit as much as possible, respecting the effort and strengths expended. (And policies generated by Democratic politicians tend more toward that inclusive attitude than do the policies prefered by Republicans.) If I am down-and-out for whatever reason, I will consider turning to them instead of the wealthy Republicans I know. Why? Because even though liberals may have little, they often share it with delight. Far better for me to accept miniscule amounts from truly giving people than to receive much larger amounts from those who have plenty and may give readily but will hold a string attached.

Happy Thanksgiving, regardless of your own views!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

November 22, 1963

Hard to believe tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of one of the most despicable acts in our known history.

Walking down the aisle on the third floor of the Sussman & Co textile warehouse in the riverfront district of Cincinnati when the news came over the always-playing radio, I stopped and felt frozen to the floor. Nothing in my innocent eighteen years of life had so hammered my conciousness of the world outside. Then I was shaken almost as severely when a short time later, while glued to television news for the weekend, I was so suddenly worldly-wise as to predict the demise of one Lee Harvey Oswald. It's true, and so profoundly recalled still today, that I told my housemate a day before Jack Ruby appeared out of the crowd at police headquarters, that I didn't think Oswald would live to stand trial. Then I watched his own shooting.

Innocence shattered!

Maybe finally, this year so long after the fact, I will ask my brother of his reaction on that day in '63. It was his twenty-first birthday. What a way to remember one's big, long-awaited milestone. How did he "celebrate?" What madness did he feel over the assassination? Was it similar to my own unbelieving state of almost blind rage and confusion?

Maybe this is the year I can finally ask him. But fifty years is not enough to ease the pain - it has been only more years and more pain to stand between the dates. I am in pain again with every view of the TV replays of that awful event.

My personal Camelot crumbled at the age of eighteen. Maybe Larry's two-and-one-half year head start on me had better prepared him for the horror. Maybe not.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Texas Kookfest

And this time it's the world of Judaism that's getting Bushwhacked. It was nice to have some years without seeing and hearing from President Alfred E. Neuman, but it couldn't last. REALLY nice knowing his fumble-fingers were no longer near the nuclear (uh - that's nukewler, to Alfred) button. The fool destroyed most of U. S. integrity and respect; it's probably just dumb luck he didn't blast the planet out of existence.

But there's still time for him to assist in more mayhem, and tonight he's scheduled to offend the Jews with his support of those radical christians who want so much to prepare our little globe for the end of life as we know it. Those idiot Jews have to be converted to a belief in the carpenter they killed so he can come roaring back and beat the hell out of them. So say the likes of Alfie

The whole thing is sad and would be funny if it weren't for the dead seriousness of the fanatical elements of our society. Maybe after today, the bulk of our semi-sane citizenry will at least recognize the fanaticism at the heart of that buffoon who was allowed eight years to plunder the American image and the American dream.

As usual, I will choose to be optimistic. Maybe this blast of stupidity and offensive actions by the favorite son of the ignorant Texas right wingnuts will cause a beautiful backlash. Perhaps the semi-sane portion of the body politic will grow in number and beat down such fanaticism at the polls. Maybe there are enough Texans with functioning brains to even elect a capable governor next year. Who knows - the whole backlash idea could spill over to other states and we may witness the casting out of the demon tea party in other elections next year. Try to imagine restoring Congress to a working body able to perform its duty of representing the American people!

Wow! I began this wee-hours ramble to ridicule our former president and national embarrassment who is scheduled to do it again by struggling through a speech and raising money for a bunch of "Jews for Jesus" kooks in Texas Stadium. But now I say, "Speak on, thou fool!" The backlash that could result from this fanatical fiasco might just inspire a national turn toward sanity.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Not getting sentimental suddenly - just heard an old song and felt like commenting.

Though music affects me tremendously and I have previously pointed out songs that particularly inspire or entertain me, by far the most dramatic two lines of any song in my memory are the opening two of a song that I believe carries that title: "Memories."

For sheer poetry and semetry, how could anyone best these two lines: Memories, crushed between the pages of my mind - Memories, sweetened through the ages just like wine - Those words were masterfully arranged.

Not far behind that example of the tunesmith's art are the words from a real oldie but goodie - probably from the 1940s - entitled (you guessed it) "Memories." Memories, memories - dreams of love so true - O'er the seas of memories I'm drifting back to you ... Nice!

Since memories can be so powerful to us humans, it's only right that song writers spend a good deal of time and extra-special effort on the subject. Good job!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Prince of Peace

Why wait until Xmas? The subject arose yesterday.

Sitting in a restaurant, I was reminded why I stopped going there several years ago; the blaring country music and the overwhelming displays of religiosity all around.

The largest hand-made cardboard sign (about 2ft. X 2 ft., hanging above the cash register) screamed: "There can be no peace on earth until the coming of the Prince of Peace." I naturally recoiled at the blatant ignorance as well as the stupidity of running a business while preaching at the customers. But I also thought about the sentiment. That was again, quite unfathomable to me.

Why would humanity want above all else, a coming absolute dictator to force us to be "at peace" with each other. That seemed to be the reasoning; peace will have to be forced upon our species or it can't be obtained at all. That was the mentality in our "old West" when they actually nicknamed a pistol, "the Peacemaker." Force people by threat of killing and maybe a few will struggle to stay peaceable among their neighbors. So just wait until that wonderful lord and master arrives with his six-shooters blazing at all humanity!

Why wait??? I personally am a prince of peace! Aren't you? Or perhaps you're a princess of peace? Don't the majority of all humans think peace is better than war? Are we not intelligent enough to find a way to make the peacefulness reign over the battles? I think we could manage. My friend Al, who publishes his blog, The Age of Reason - 21st Century makes a good point today. He promotes the concept that females are more equipped to negotiate and live in harmony than males have proven to be. So we should let the women politicians have their day; it may save our societies at last.

What kind of total foolishness says, "Yes, we all want peace, but since we are not capable of attaining it within our human strengths, let's all believe in and wait for that completely loveable yet dictatorial supreme being from the heavens to come here to force us to be better!?"

Stupidity kills.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Giant Weight Reduced

Heading to the oncologist appointment a few hours ago, I was unaware how much I had dwelt on the phone call of Tuesday - telling me I would be getting a call from the radiology department to set up an appointment.

Radiation. The biopsy of my lymph glands, performed two weeks ago, must have revealed a new spread of cancer - now I need radiation to fight it off while it is still newly developed. The weight of this news was heavy on my mind. As often happens, the caller was not aware that no earlier contact had been made to tell me the lymph nodes were clear. So today's visit was to allow the oncologist to confirm that all was looking very good and that I will undergo a precautionary radiation therapy on only the shoulder area where the original tumor had been removed. Therefore, I am not expected to see the cancer folks again for six months and then only as a further precaution against something unknown and unforeseen.

Cancer-FREE. Sounds too good to be true after ten months and three surgeries. But then, I am still being studied by the urologist and the gastro-interologist. Will proceed with caution.

Friday, October 18, 2013

A Few Decent Humans

The government shutdown really angered me, as I trust (and hope) it did for millions of our citizens. I sent a note to a commentary show asking why no one in the news seemed interested in discussing the Warren Buffett-inspired pettitions that were being circulated online to deny the members of Congress their regular pay during the shutdown. It was a very sane and logical idea. And naturally, it went nowhere. Today during the news shows, a crawl at the bottom of the screen was saying that some members of Congress have decided to return the money they were paid during the shutdown or give it to charity. These particular legislators must have felt guilty all along because they were a part of the ugliness of wasting money and time while hurting the common cause for our society and setting back our feeble economy. But these (I'm sure just a few) decent people who care about their fellow citizens were probably powerless to stop some of the idiocy in Congress; their only guilt was by association. I would bet that no members of the real trouble-making group who actually caused the shutdown are among the people giving back any money. Those fools (read: Tea Party Radicals) don't know what real giving back is all about. There is a deep sickness in our society that has allowed us to foster an elected taliban that is willing to use financial terrorism against our own people.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Reminder Request

Well, the government is back, open for business. That's a good thing. Now the fools who caused the trouble will visit a new alternate universe to concoct a story to explain the productive accomplishment that their respective political side can claim.

The fact is, nothing was accomplished except for the possible clarifying of who the fanatical obstructionists in Congress really are. At the very least, the one benefit of the whole last two weeks should come in 2014 - IF the Progressives and all the media outside of Fox News will properly remind the electorate of who these fools are. The names and photos of all 144 House members who voted "Nay" last night (to re-opening the government) should be almost constantly paraded in front of the voters who need to decide what they want their representatives to represent.

The next Congress needs to be one of action.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Out of Pure Appreciation - -

No, I don't yet have the Blogger situation figured out (and this whole entry will come out looking unedited because the final "Publish" order just dumps all the style I try to create) - but a friend of many years has said something so nice in the previous comment that I simply MUST write something. Hope it's still something "sane" sounding to her.

The CROCK-MARKET is looking feeble again and may totally crash. Serves it right! As I wrote last year, the whole idea of that facade of an economy having any positive impact on any of us beyond the very wealthy, is a real crock. Perhaps this time around, a big tumble will hurt (that's actually probably not possible) a few of the biggest, fattest cats and something new and better will come of it. The rich and powerful keep on putting the hurt on the whole country (I am confident "they" have contributed to the government shutdown, paying off crooked legislators to get their way), so it's only right that they occasionally get a kick in the groin.

All for now. I promise to try again to correct the blogging system that is failing me - as soon as my body that is failing me gives me another decent break from biopsies and meds. Will keep you posted.

NOV 12 update: As you can see, this is now somewhat edited since I wrote the piece and since Al Dexter helped me work on the Blogger input. Also, the govt. shutdown ended (with new ways to shoot itself in the foot awaiting our illustrious Congress); The CROCK-MARKET has rebounded again, following greater than expected recovery taking place - all because that "*&-%$#@*# President" keeps on pushing forward right through the obstructionist efforts of the Republican fools; And I am feeling marginally stronger after many bouts of check-ups and treatments by various doctors. This week I was fitted for the devices to be used in administering my radiation therapy that will begin next week. May take another hit against my energy levels for a time, but I feel positive about the eventual outcome.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

SPORTS - A Way of Life for the Lucky

It occurs to me that perhaps the only really relaxed and fulfilled folks in our society are those whose lives revolve completely around sports. Their goals are clear and attainable. Those who participate know what it is they want (need) to achieve; those who are spectators (usually no less dedicated than the participants) are able to cheer, rant, blow off steam, gloat, etc., and keep their own scores on their lives tallied in simple wins & losses.

Probably the reason fantasy sports became such a giant hit is this simple tally. Yes, the internal workings of the draft selections and choices made each week do qualify as complex. But the over-all goals & accomplishments, making up the tally of wins & losses, would have to be seen as "simple" when viewed with the perspective of how life is lived on the planet as a whole.

For a professional athlete of any stripe, life certainly should be a blur of highlights with only pain of injury or unfortunate health issues being the downside. Incredible riches can befall a truly gifted athlete, but as the heading suggests, there has to be some luck involved to reach the apex of any sport. And for those who are anything but professional, maybe not even marginally athletic themselves and who just "live for the sport" - of whatever genre has grabbed the individual's attention - they have made their own luck. They choose not to wallow in the ugliness of the real world of poverty and politics, but to make their days happy ones filled with box scores and bets won or lost.

At times I have envied these souls who have elected to ride high above the common drudgery of living. Even the vast majority of them who have to work at some job or profession in order to feed their habit of attending sporting events or buying the accoutrement available everywhere, are somehow able to subjugate everything to their chosen sport madness. These lucky people are above us muck dwellers; they occupy a comfortable fan-attic.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sunday, June 30, 2013

..., Liberty and Pursuit of - What?

"Don't say, 'happiness,' you undeserving throngs of lowly citizens.  Oh no, not on my watch!  Your happiness means nothing to me; you are to do my bidding and make me happy!  If you don't see things my way, you need to just shut up and do as I tell you."

The above silent quote may well be in the far back reaches of the mind of any one of a large number of today's Republican members of the House of Representatives.  So far back in the brain that they don't really recognize it in themselves - much as they don't know what racism is.  Just who is being represented by these Tea Party-type elected members?  Themselves first and their benefactors second.  Constituants?  Those low-lifes who happen to live in the member's district?  Well, certainly they have no say in anything a Congressman does.  They just vote and then shut up!

Last week, SCOTUS handed down a decision to toss out a major segment of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  Next day, several (red) states were eagerly diving into the privilege of redistricting and other maneuvers that allowed total inequality in voting rights to prevail.  After the next day's ruling by the high court, one that threw out the unconstitutional provisions of a law discriminating against LGBT folks, the people of that community (finally!) immediately took their advantage as well. 

So the august body of SCOTUS made it clear that the second matter was within their domain to render their decision of unconstitutionality, therefore the DOMA business should be considered settled law.  But in the first matter, the court gave responsibility of voting rights protection back to Congress to handle in fairness and logical legislative fashion.  Then what did we first hear from those marvelous servants of the law and of the people of our nation?  Boehner's minions wanted to immediately jump onto the business of fixing the DOMA law back into viability and they haven't yet shown any interest, in any overt public way, of re-writing and passing the Voting Rights Act - the one job the court gave them to handle.

We have often heard it said that Republicans do not seem to be able to feel shame.  But what most pundits will avoid saying, so they don't sound too harsh or judgmental and maybe lose audience, is that Republicans seem to be very capable of feeling hatred.  They appear to hate actual freedom for any individual and they seem to hate all who do not line up with their personal beliefs.  Oh, sure, many of these same hateful people dutifully wear the proud and preachy badge of Christianity - speaking of love whenever it might help them gain votes - but they do not know how to love anyone but themselves.

I have made it clear that I am not a Democrat; my own attitudes toward freedom and happiness are far more democratic than that!  And the Democrats as a party are often too spineless, even when they are totally in the right.  But at least Democrats have a general tendency to want to do whatever will help most of our citizens.  Republicans apparently have one over-arching tendency and that is to do all they can to control the citizenry.  Freedom?  Happiness?  Mere words that land on deaf ears in our hateful Republican House of "Representatives."

Please, American electorate, wise up for the 2014 elections.  We deserve actual representation.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

FORE ! ! !

The fingers are crossed for the upcoming surgery to begin rebuilding my body which now has a rather large hole in it where cancer was removed.  But I am also using the fingers even on the right hand!  That's right, no damage at all took place during all that cutting deeply into my right shoulder and downward into the upper body.  Now the hole is stuffed with some kind of material to keep it prepared for plastic surgeons to begin their work.

Yesterday's meeting with the oncologist relieved me of any more worry about cancer, showing the pathology report that all cancer was extracted.  So tomorrow the plastic surgeon needs to look me over and set a date to perform the first of the surgeries to fill in the cavity.

Even though some of the concerns are still there - concerns that accompany any cutting into the body - I am relatively comfortable with the likelihood my body will respond well and that no damage to nerves or other important body parts will pilfer any beauty from the positive picture.  It is very likely (and only a golfer can understand this) that the surgery which will weaken my right side will improve my swing.  So a new day in golf may be on the horizon for me.  Watch out, 2014!

          UPDATE 6/29/2013
We are not quite yet into July and I am now saying I may be on a new fast-track toward the above goal of playing golf again.  Yesterday may have been my final surgery that will start my last flight-path to the return to good health and activity.  My body responded so well at each step of the cancer removal and new flesh growth to fill the void that yesterday the plastic surgeons placed a skin graft over the wound.  The pain today in that area of my right thigh where the skin was borrowed is something just short of excrutiating and I'm glad again for good pain meds.  But the best medicine for me is the knowledge that my body is well along the way to full recovery.  I just might be playing golf before Thanksgiving!  Now there is something for which I will truly be thankful.

Thanks for hanging in there with me through this misery;  good cheer and good health to all! 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

I'd Give My Right Arm ...

To the best of my considerably good memory, I have never used this old expression.  It's of course one of those purposely flamboyant, totally untruthful statements meant to draw emphasis to this or that desire of the speaker.  Rarely has the expression meant anything in a reality world.  Even the man who is caught under a heavy weight in an accident with no rescue in sight for a day or days while suffering with his right arm smashed and completely preventing his escape, probably does not verbally utter that line, that he would give his right arm to be free of this trap.  Yet it has happened, and we have heard of the overwhelming determination, courage and desperation of this kind of predicament, finally causing a person to use any sort of tool available to sever his own arm to get free rather than allowing himself to die.

Without even considering the life-or-death factoring, which at the moment, I am not, it is entirely possible that I have made the no-brainer decision that may ultimately mean I'm giving my right arm.  But if it happens, the only overwhelming (and maybe flamboyant) statement about it would be that I gave my right arm to poverty.  This does not mean that somehow I was able to offer my right arm in some gesture of selflessness and altruistic fervor in order to stand bravely against the ravages of poverty in general.  No.  It would mean that strictly due to my unenviable condition of senior citizen living in poverty, I eventually was forced to lose the arm - or the effective use of it.

Within 2 days I am to report to the hospital for surgery that is required to remove a cancerous growth that somehow found my right shoulder a good host where it could take root and thrive.  I've pointed out to many that this is not "Cancer" in the way most people experience it - not actual cancer as I often say.  It is a locally aggressive malignancy that does not seem to have the capacity to attack in the usual cancer manner, so I am not having my own cells eating themselves.  This thing is distinctly not me, but it depends on my body for its nutrition.  It bleeds my blood and it compacts my nerves, causing the intensity of pain I have tried earlier to describe.  But I think of it as an alien life form that somehow crept onto my shoulder and burrowed inside, sending tentacles down into my flesh to pilfer nutrients.  The doctors tell me it can be completely removed with no left-over fear of some spreading, life-threatening disease.  Naturally I picture the operation happening in the sci-fi movie mode, with the alien sensing it is being attacked by knives and then beginning to snarl and fight back, reaching with tiny fibrous fingers to grip some solid flesh around the excision path, disallowing the surgeon complete success in removing and discarding it.  It's easy for me to imagine it in this way because the surgeon has explained that he will need to remove a good deal of "good" tissue surrounding the lesion in order to be assured that all of the diseased tissue is out.  Then I am due to wait a minimum of a week with the large hole in my body left open and being treated and tested so that when reconstructive surgeries begin, there is no chance for any remaining disease hiding beneath the replacement flesh which doctors will have borrowed from other areas of my body to fill in the cavity.

While the surgeons who have been dealing with this mess are being most positive and up-beat about the ultimate outcome we can expect, I am not unaware of the papers I have signed that absolve anyone of any potential problematic outcome that might surprise us.  There is most definitely a possible danger to those many nerves that have brought my pain to such high levels recently.  Which of these could be cut and potentially destroyed, rendering my arm less workable?  What knife stroke might accidently cause the total loss of my right arm's future functioning?  Which artery might reject the whole idea of being responsible to support this replacement flesh business and refuse to carry blood to its needed destination?  What disease could result from any of this, requiring amputation of the right arm?

And as I ask these very real questions, I am painfully aware of the fact that I could have avoided this condition entirely if I had acted sooner.  Without great detail, I will merely say that due to our financial stresses over the previous two years, I dilly-dallied over having a tiny, unimpressive cyst removed.  To be fair, I did go once when it was nothing more than a bean-sized bump and I paid an Urgent Care physician to tell me if it posed any threat.  He didn't think so at the time but said I could learn more by consulting a dermatoligist.  Logical.  Also logical was the assumption that a specialist of this discipline would require me to get a biopsy and have lab testing done before he/she would remove the little lump.  Having no insurance at the time (wisely having skipped "Part B" of Medicare when I signed up because of my poverty and my nominal monthly social security income which is about one third of the maximum the system provides most retirees), I decided it was not worth the hundreds of dollars this whole bean-removal business would surely cost.  When the eruption in early January revealed something far more serious than an infected cyst, I had already signed on to pick up the important "Part B" coverage but was told that it could not be accessed until July.

So while my malignancy grew over the winter/spring months (having been biopsied in February at the same Urgent Care facility, at my own out-of-pocket expense), I searched for methods of managing my need for surgery.  Again, skipping detail here, I have managed now to get to this stage of preparation for the surgery to remove the alien and I am told to expect several plastic surgery procedures to follow throughout the summer.  

And though I have emphasized to the plastic surgeons that I am "no Angelina Jolie; don't worry about how beautiful I am when it's all done," I nonetheless am extremely hopeful I do not have to give my right arm!

Friday, May 24, 2013

On A Scale of 1 to 10, ...

Can someone point me to that scale?  Is there somewhere in the sky a special official form which one can reach out and pull down to study for application to special circumstances?  Maybe it's in the ether and I just haven't yet hit the key stroke that will pull it into my working screen area so I can consult the scale on my computer.

In a blog post here quite a long time back, I wrote something about pain and discussed the fact that we cannot clearly compare pain between any two of us.  How I feel a pain is not able to be communicated to any one else so that it is thoroughly understood.  We cannot, with all our grown-up words and sophisticated forms of speech, any more clearly state our conditions than we could as children when we might have said, "Mommy, it hurts."

So someone came up with a terrifically helpful method, aiding doctors immensely; "On a scale of 1-to-10, how would you gauge your pain right now?"

That scale is so vastly flexible, it's hard to see how it would be helpful.  The nearest anyone might get to making this method very helpful would be in the case of a female who has given birth.  Now, there is at least a solid point to which a "10" can be applied.  But then, does a male doctor have a clue about the actual feeling of that childbirth pain?  No.  He could never truly grasp it.  He has perhaps observed that particular pain as experienced by one or more females, but even there, they have all had varying amounts of screaming to express pain or quiet suffering to not allow others to see their pain.  And even if said doctor had witnessed hundreds of births and therefore had a large comparison chart to call upon, his grasp is still guesswork based on what other bodies feel and his own body will never feel.

Based upon the worst pain I have ever experienced as my "10" level (and believe it or not, I do not think of a specific pain to put at this apex of the pain-understanding world), I have to tell medical personnel each time I visit another doctor for an exam, that my pain is "a 3" or "about 5" when those are just floating numbers with no readily attached relevance.  Then there is the big question of "Which pain do these people want to know about - the minor discomfort pain I am feeling at the very moment I'm being questioned, or the slamming, voilent crash against my body that almost rendered me unconscious about an hour earlier just before I took that last pill?"  My sweet wife who cringes in fear and sympathy during those attacks that strike many times per day, in which my body spasms in a way that must look like a man being hit with a tazer, wants me to tell them that my pain is "above 10."  Of course, that isn't supposed to be possible but using poetic license (or just license), I am allowed to tell them that I am experiencing quite a few attacks at "about a 14" - just to emphasize the magnitude of my sporadic pains.  Still it's all based on a completely mystical and incomprehensible scale that floats somewhere in the vague world of "How are you feeling?"

On a scale of 1-to-10, I assume this post will be understood by about 3!  (This estimate will be down-graded if only two actually read it!)

Friday, May 17, 2013

History's Clear(er) View

Given enough time, the utter idiocy that flaps in the breeze of Washington D.C. will be blown away and the clear(er) picture of our current times will shine forth in our history books.  And though it's said that hind-sight is 20/20, (which is far from correct!) don't relate this in any way to the year 2020 with expectation that by that date most of the true history of today's world will be clear.  No.  Expect it to be practically as muddy and confused as it is today.  Remember, most of the deeply dedicated fools who are busy today trying to re-write history will still be doing so in 2020; little will be seen through the glasses of honesty until maybe sixty or eighty years - or more - have elapsed.

Whenever that clear(er) history is written, it will shock a more educated and enlightened society to read of what actually took place in government in the beginning of the 21st century.  The massive list of accomplishments accrued to one Barack Obama, the preponderance of them at long last understood and widely appreciated, will very likely stagger the mind.  Especially will it strike one who is reading in perhaps 2075 and being unbiasedly informed of the Obama administration as compared to the previous eight years of madness.  From a future perch of researched information, looking back over the long view of history, one might think we must have been two different nations that allowed these two different kinds of politicians to occupy the seat of our highest office.

And while that future student of this era will be impressed with the progress made between January, 2009 and January, 2017, it may not be very easy to grasp the magnitude of force and the mountains of obstacles thrown against President Obama.  There might be a few mentions of people tossing around the word impeachment during this presidency, but there will almost surely be inadequate coverage of the sheer numbers of efforts to unseat the President.  Amazing!  That future reader will surely scratch his/her head in wonder at the lack of such rumblings during the years of Bush 43 and before him, of Reagan.  Both of these (Republican) presidents were quite worthy of being put on trial before the Senate; Reagan's lawlessness most assuredly was over the top in any logical constitutionally directed look into impeachable offenses.  The fact that he avoided prison time is quite amazing.  He managed everything with his force of personality; poor old "I'm not a crook" Nixon needed Ronnie's charm.  Tricky Dick's offenses were minor in comparison yet he had to leave office in disgrace.  Then George W. did more than any other president in our history to destroy our international standing and respect.  Oh, yes, and there were those many thousands of deaths of soldiers and civilians, including children, sustained unnecessarily in our only unprovoked war. 

But during the time this brand of disgraceful man is in the highest office - when yet another destructive Republican has been put into that position of power - the millions of reasonable and forgiving people who label themselves Liberal, Independent, Democratic or who offer perhaps other descriptions of their attitudes, simply do not jump to forceful judgment and loudly cry for impeachment.  Most of us who are not Republicans are far more likely to wait and hope, giving the benefit of the doubt when things look pretty awful in Washington.

Today, when things on our national scene are gradually recovering from the devastation left in the wake of the most destructive administration in our history, loud and ugly Republican threats are continually hurled at the one person who took on the burden of rebuilding the United States - and who has done so at an amazing success rate.  With no help and continual hindrance from Congress since 2010, our President has remained steadfast and strong in his determination to see this job through.  Yet even today (and has there been a day when impeachment hasn't been shouted in the last many months?) while our strong leader is firing heads of departments over mismanagement within days of first learning of irregularities in lower levels of the Internal Revenue Service, it is he who has to hear yet again that he should be impeached!  Really pathetic. 

Here is an overwhelming fact about our nation and about democracy:  You who will read about all this in wonder and sometimes disbelief in the century to come, also possess the rights of citizenship that allow you to be lead and mislead by the idiots of your own time - with much of that privilege of democracy handed to you as a result of such leaders as Barack Obama who restore and rebuild after devastation.  Impeachable?  I'm not completely sure we have had many presidents who exhibited UNimpeachable ethics and/or efforts.  If that level is attainable, this 44th president is perhaps the best example of it.  This one we have today is probably the most complete leader our nation was fortunate enough to find.

My friend Al over at The Age of Reason -- 21st Century discusses the fact that our government does not allow its top elected official to merely snap his fingers or shout at someone to get things done.  It is a built-in obstacle course our chief executive has to negotiate in order to accomplish much during his short (even if two-term) tenure in office.  And in a post of mine back in September of 2012, I cited the article from a news outlet in January 2012 about the study done by a Florida Professor, Robert P. Watson.  Even by that month, after only three years in office, the President had amassed quite a large body of work relating to the restoration of our society.  He keeps on succeeding against the tide.

I would love to be able to read the researched and clear history of our nation, many years from now.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Simple.  Where are the truly capable and dedicated investigative journalists hiding?  Are they afraid of members of our national Congress?  More afraid than were those who boldly dug into the President Nixon era dirty tricks?  The dirtiest of tricks has been played on our terrorized nation - by our own legislators. 

In the Senate's rejection of background checks and any other regulation of gun sales, there can be no doubt that large amounts of money have been transferred to members of the legislative body.  Only personal greed and bribery can explain the willingness of forty-six senators to vote against 90% of their own constituencies and the citizenry of our country.

FOLLOW the MONEY!  Someone with guts to go for it can find the hidden bank accounts and trail of under-the-table pay-offs.  It isn't enough that we wait another eighteen months and merely UN-elect these bastards.  They need to be exposed for what they are, and as soon as possible.  They need to do time for criminal acts against the congress and the country.   And the gun manufacturers that are doing the bribing need to be fined enough to pay for a massive campaign to educate our nation in the proper use and safety of guns.

The fury exhibited by Gabby Giffords was delightful to witness.  But the true path to the eventual ability to halt the corruption among our Senate (and undoubtedly, the House as well) is to EXPOSE the BRIBERY!

Monday, April 1, 2013

What Kind of Fool . . .

It's April 1st and the day calls loudly for a post from someone such as I - yet I am not quite ready to go into detail on my foolish mistakes and their cost to my life.

Simply allow me to admonish you youngsters who have not yet reached 65 years of age: when the time comes to sign up for Medicare, accept it, and I mean all of it.  Opting for Part A only (the no-cost part)when I signed up three years ago did not seem foolish, and I can argue my innocence and in retrospect say that personal financial circumstances at the time almost demanded that I do as I did.  Only now does my foolishness appear.

I will expand on this post when I am more informed on my current condition - probably cannot wait until I am less foolish!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Nail on the Head

Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican Party, finally said it in a more pointed (though subliminal) way than I have been able to express it. 

Often I have stated, in one or another less-than-effective way, that there exists a Republican attitude and that even those who most effectively wave the GOP flag are probably unaware of it.  Similarly, most people who are racists (of any and all political persuasions) are unaware when they are making racist comments. 

Recently, in response to the many accusations that his party is out of touch, anti-minorities, anti-women, anti-gay, etc., etc., Priebus made the flat statement that it isn't true - that the Republican Party is concerned about every voter!

Let that sink in deeply.  Without realizing it, he highlighted the very specific point I've always tried to make.  They are concerned with every voter - not with every citizen, every child, every human.  Even if the subject of concern for humans in general is narrowed to mean only every human in this country, the Republican attitude to which I refer keeps them from stating flatly that they are concerned.  Only with each voter are they concerned - again, as always, bringing it around to the basic question of "What can you do for me?"  I want what I want, and your vote might help me get what I want, therefore I am concerned for you - the voter.

The Democratic (and truly democratic) attitude is typically one of concern for the disenfranchised - indeed, for all humanity.  But the party has a hell of a time translating this worthy attitude into solid action and commitment to managing things that will actually help all people.  Therefore they often lose that all-important voter to the aggressive party who has a laser focus on grabbing the vote.  This was best expressed by Will Rogers who stated he was not a part of any organized political party; he was a Democrat!

If you ever wondered why anyone would be an Independent, such as I am, here's the perfect reason.  My self image is of one who has a lot of heart and plenty of guts to fight for something I believe is good.  How could I ever associate myself with either Republicans who are heartless or with Democrats who are gutless?!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Gender Foolishness

Here I am, a male with my own set of stupid built-in prejudices regarding the sexes and our many differences, pointing out that a bit of news from the business world reveals an innate stupidity.  It was the news that many businesses are reeling in their employees who had been allowed to work from home - called remote employees.  The practice of allowing tele-commuting has been growing and I fear the new trend will be to gradually end this mode of conducting business that has been helpful and merciful to some workers and to a great degree, more profitable for their companies.  But then, business executives are quite capable of tossing aside many things that were actually successful.

Be that as it may, my particular attention was drawn to the comment that of those who are allowed to practice tele-commuting, men are far more acceptable than women to move into these positions.

Stupid!  There is no question, in my own opinion, about the likelihood of female workers being better suited to serving their employers in the remote employee position.  Females almost invariably out-do males in three of the most critical capacities for business: they are more dedicated to living up to expectations, more capable of multi-tasking (by far!) and more honest in their self-disciplined activity.  Oh - and then there is the small matter of employers doing the right thing.  Women are the people who most need the chance to stay at home and do those paying jobs while multi-tasking to handle kids and /or many other necessities.

As a basically honest male, I freely admit that given the chance to work from home, as a younger man, I would have arranged most of my work around my personal desires rather than the other way around.  Most men who are managing businesses should also grasp this general male tendency and know that if they truly want anyone working in a dedicated way while staying at home, they had best choose female employees to do so.  It would be instructive to see a graph showing the total number of tele-commuters employed today and revealing a break-out of the measurable productive out-put of these workers, comparing by gender.

It's just a guess, but I would strongly assert that a thorough study would show that companies who make females their choice for tele-commuters are better served.  It is also a guess, but I would predict that a side revelation in such a study might be that those companies best served by these remote employees who are female, are companies having females in upper management helping make sound decisions.

Sorry guys, but our gender has held the reins of business - and government - far too long without showing any impressive proof that we know what the hell we are doing. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Which WOLF are You Feeding?

I'm enjoying a very pleasant start to my 68th birthday and later will partake of some beautiful friendship and fine food.  At the day's end, I plan to sip a little very special Single-Malt Scotch (yes, in capitalized initials due to my love of these amazing spirits), because my son & family sent me a gift card usable only at a store that specializes in a wide array of liquors including dozens of single malts.  I will stop there during my travels today!  I can already practically taste the smooth flavor of fine Scotch to come later.

But one of my emails this morning carried this forward and I simply had to address it:

Native Americans have a story of a grandfather walking with his grandson.  The boy asks the old man why there is hatred, evil, violence and broken promises in the world.

The grandfather replies. "The answer is within.  Deep inside each of us is a fight between two wolves.  One is evil.  He is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt.  The other wolf is good.  He is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.  This fight between the two wolves is going on inside of you and inside of everybody."

The grandson thinks for a moment and then asks his grandfather "Which wolf will win?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one that you feed."

It occurs to me that there has rarely been wisdom such as this passed down to youth, much to our shame and gradual decline in character as a species.  

Hopefully we can all feed our good wolves today; mine is hungry.   

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Well, I Did It!

Somehow I'm filled with the thrill of accomplishment when all I did was to remove an irritant from my daily life.  But let's face it, how often do we manage this kind of positive step?

My previous post was about fanaticism and on the spur of the moment I tossed out a simple thought while speaking of my disgust with a contact on my facebook account.  That thought was "just un-friend the whole website."

So now you might call me a fanatic also, but all I am is old and cranky, easily frustrated by a few things - such as daily email messages to check this or that notice that is pending.

Today I did it!  Over the year (or maybe three?) that I was a participant in that "social" media, I found it useful not at all and quite often the notices in my emails and some of the posts I did eventually see were downright irritating.  I suddenly asked myself the straight-forward question: Why would I invite and encourage a daily irritant in my life?  Aren't there enough of these that we cannot control?  While musing on my thought of un-friending the website, I tried to recall a specific unquestioned benefit I had realized from my having joined the facebook world.  Couldn't do it.  Oh, it was nice being able to look at the photo album of a grand-niece's wedding, to which my brother had to guide me to locate.  But he could have sent me a direct email with a few pictures attached and his sharing this highlight of family life would have been just as well served. 

What I began to realize, aside from the fact I was forever deleting the incessant notices that I was expected to rush to check out, was that the whole social media claim itself was a little weak for my taste.  Much of what began to be shared was anti-social behavior, and whenever I decided to respond to anything - even when I could figure out what was worth it and how to reply - it was usually something that mildly upset me to deal with.  I am not by nature confrontational and so many entries on that site needed rebuttal if they deserved attention at all.  It finally just got to be much more exhausting than I had the energy to address.

So not to be stymied like the cowboy in Brokeback Mountain, I looked at that mass of comments and questions, entries from far-reaching places and many folks I've never met, and said, Facebook, I CAN quit you!  And forthwith, I deleted my account.  Took me a while and quite an effort because as many observers know, I never was completely capable of navigating that confusing site, but I found the right place to click and I clicked.  Now I feel a weight has been lifted!  My world is lighter because it is less demanding of my personal attention to someone's birthday or another new baby somewhere, or to someone's goofy little cry for attention, to someone else's proverbial slap in the face that needed a return jab that hopefully might "slap some sense into him," and so much else that made that site, to me, not very sociable.  More irritant than entertainment; more demand than delight; more revolting than refreshing.

So long, Facebook - Hello sense of relief!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


My first heading for this was to be, Right-Wing Fanaticism, but it is a simple truism that those folks don't hold the entire franchise on fanaticism and I repudiate fanatic tendencies in general.

Facebook has become a bit more of a pain for me recently, though I still have almost no attachment to the site and rarely check in there.  Some near-acquaintance from my youth sent a "friend" request some weeks ago and I, as usual in my non-discriminating manner, accepted.  Since then, I haven't opened my profile without seeing piles of political crap directed toward our president and I notice that other former friends and/or acquaintances of mine are shown to have "liked" the bullshit.  Today I finally cracked and wrote a simple comment stating that I don't appreciate the filling of my pages with that fanatical trash and I'm sorry if anyone or everyone else I know happens to "like" it; I emphatically do not.  I do very much hope this man "un-friends" me.  Good riddance!  Or perhaps I will simply un-friend the website itself.

Ever notice that radicalism - fanaticism - does fall more readily into the hands and minds of right-wingers?  As I stated earlier, they aren't alone in this capacity, but I am absolutely confident that there are millions more bad jokes and cruel slurs aimed at liberals by conservatives than is the reverse phenomenon.  Can you recall a constant stream of invective and brutish jokes being hurled at the previous resident of the White House?  I don't think there were many at all, in comparison.  And if anyone ever deserved ridicule while in office, it was that imbecile who was an embarrassment to our nation.  Much worse, he was destructive to all that this great nation had come to stand for, from our founding until 2001.  Even Tricky Dick Nixon was far to be desired over that sorry excuse for a political leader, yet most of us who felt that way quietly suffered for eight years without constantly throwing verbal grenades at the clown.  Today I will bluntly say anything a damn well please about the ignorant prick, but for eight years, all I could do was rush to grab the remote whenever his impudent face came on the television screen.  At least muting him was a slight relief to me.

It occurs to me that many of the folks who are labeled "Liberal" and "Progressive" are a bit more educated, perhaps more intelligent, certainly more civil in their beings.  Conservatives seem to me to have one over-arching concept of living in society: Get mine while I can, however I can, wherever I can - the rest be damned.  And anyone who doesn't think my way isn't worth the air he breathes. 

Yes, I do know some people precisely like this.  Pity.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Prophecy for Fun

The very concept of prophecy has long been relegated to my misguided youth, but today I just felt the desire to use the term once more.  I will make a prediction - a prophecy - that I can check back on for the next five to six years and enjoy my long-haul approach to fantasy sports.  My way of seeing the fun, anyway.

Many of my golfing buddies have varying slants on the career of Tiger Woods and many of them adjust as the seasons roll by.  Occasionally someone has to eat crow due to his past loud personal statements made at this time or that of Tiger's amazing six years as the top golfer in the world or during his three years of struggle on and off the course following his marital difficulties.  My own assumptions have always been (since the phenom first began to dominate the game about fifteen years ago) that he is already the greatest player of the game and will almost surely be recognized as such by practically everyone at some point.

I was sure in my own mind (and said so publically without being loud and bellicose) during his worst times in the last few years, that Tiger was far from finished winning tournaments and would return to the top spot in the world rankings before he moves over to the Champions (senior) Tour after turning fifty.

Following the most recent tournament ending last Monday, Tiger is in second place in two categories of measuring professional golfing success: he is seven behind Sam Snead in total career tournament wins and four behind Jack Nicklaus in winning what we call Major tournaments.  (Only four of these are played each year.)  The majors are the most watched and seem to define a golfer's true measure of strength and prowess; Jack is considered by many fans to be the greatest ever to play the game.

My prophecy:  Tiger Woods (now 37 years old) will be number one in the win record before he turns 40 years of age and will surpass Jack Nicklaus to become the number one Major winner by the time he is 43.

So there.  Check out my predictions over the next few years.  And one day, probably all will have to admit that Earl Tiger Woods is the best golfer ever.  And I doubt anyone will overtake him in my lifetime.

On another topic - Why has MSNBC's Hardball commentator Chris Matthews not taken advantage of this highly unlikely coming spectacle of brother meeting brother in coaching the Superbowl football teams, by at least one time adjusting the opening line of his show to:  Let's play Harbaugh!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Long Live Our President

Watching on television the second inaugural of President Obama fills me with two vastly competing emotions.  Even more emotional strings are tugged, but the two overwhelming tugs are these:  Pride in our nation for having the capacity to elect a man of high intellect and the potential for true greatness; Fear that this man of our people may not be allowed to fulfill his great work ahead.

My thorough enjoyment of seeing this leader in action is always guarded because of the theft of my innocence on a November day back in 1963.  No one can ever feel completely safe in our society.  So much hatred and misguided zeal come into play and weigh on the unbalanced minds of some of our fellow citizens.  One madman can destroy much of what otherwise could be a beginning of the powerful rebuilding of our nation.  Shades of Lincoln accompanied so much of our President's speech on Monday, but my mind couldn't totally shake the foreboding that also creeps in when thinking of what greater good Mr. Lincoln could still have done for our Union, had not a madman stolen life from this great leader.  We probably would not have been hampered for a century in our development of civil rights, and we may not have had to witness the death of yet another strong leader at the hand of another madman in 1968.  And still another in that same year.

Make no mistake, the eventual history of our society will treat our sitting President with the glowing terms he so richly deserves.  It simply frightens me that so often, true greatness is feared, hated and sometimes cut short by the myopia that surrounds us.  Fortunately a cutting short of this man's time in office was not done at the ballot box, but there are so many radical people who would feel that a high calling could be fulfilled at the point of a gun.

So my great hope is that the security details are all completely effective and that Mr. Obama will be ever cognizant of his need to take as few chances as necessary in doing his important job.  It is my further hope that one day this statesman will be as effective and as active in his post-elected office position as is our former President Clinton today.  So much more accomplishment could be ahead for Mr. Obama and for our nation's betterment if he is allowed to continue using that amazing intellect until he is quite elderly.

Long live Barack Obama.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Assault Indeed!

On January 19, I can offer another Happy New Year to you, however for me it is still a guarded re-entry to the land of the living and active.  Even today, my internal jury is still out as to whether I should chance going out tomorrow for a relaxed eighteen holes of golf in 80 degree warmth here in California.  Reason for "guarded" re-entry?  I felt well enough after a five-day cold and sore throat in December to get myself up and out for a quiet and brief new year's celebration; then beginning January 2nd, my body rebelled in all respiratory related areas and only yesterday was I able to speak clearly with enough volume to be heard a few feet away.  Still today, if I break into a laugh, I will certainly break into another fit of coughing that racks my body almost as strongly as it did a week ago.  And for many of those days and nights, my cough was dangerously close to causing long-term damage to my system.  On the worst night, I came to a partially awake hallucination that I had died during the previous attack, so it was thoroughly frustrating that I was still able to suffer another!  Soon I will go in for a physical and will discuss with my doctor the concerns I have for that potential damage.  (Yes, I will consider a shrink, too!)

'Nuff of that stuff - I'm here today to say, "I'm here today!"

The heading of this post was not a reference to the cold/flu assault on my body, but on the same assault all Americans are dealing with right now - the assault on logic and common sense.  Our national political leaders have acted truly in a strong leadership role to ask all citizens to be reasonable and sensible about curbing violence perpetrated by gun-wielding mass murderers in our midst.  Yet the radical elements among us want to press for the right under the second amendment to have any and every type of weapon available to anyone who wants to arm himself.  Can anyone actually see this as logical?  Reasonable?  I'm pleased that polls show that something north of three quarters of our citizens say, "No."  (And I don't even want to meet anyone who says, "Yes.")

The real assault being waged now is on our national peace and integrity by those aforementioned radicals.  I was noticing the chinks in the armour of the NRA that are being revealed by the polls and the highlighted words of Bush-41 who ceremoniously resigned from membership in the NRA over their harsh stances back in 1995, and the strong appeal by the GOP's god, Ronald Reagan when he supported the ban on assault rifles.  So I began to think perhaps there exists an association of more reasonable gun owners who can live with the idea that protecting the right to bear arms includes living within sensible guidelines.  And perhaps this kind of organization could launch a concerted campaign right now to pick up new members who are sick of the way their NRA national representatives are going so far to the radical side that their words and actions mis-represent their base membership.

Good luck with that!  My Google search revealed only (so far) groups who sound even crazier and promise to be "not so compromising" as the NRA!

Radical fools are committing the ugly assault on the whole human species.  Even being a pacifist, I must admit that it occurs to me that all such radical fools should be invited to move into a walled (with bullet-proof dome) playground called Rad-Land, equipped with an unlocked free arsenal of every type of hand-held weapon ever devised and an unlimited supply of ammo. 

Monday, January 7, 2013


Yes, it would be logical to assume I would have posted something since Dec, 23rd.  The fact is, since the 26th, I have been connected to my bed and crawling to the bathroom.  Can't eat, can't cough - though every fiber of my pain riddled body makes me try to cough - can't sleep; just cover it all: I CAN'T.

My desire has been to post something in the worst way, and this appears to be covering that!

At least the rest of 2013 has to be a fabulous improvement - unless I get better soon and die peacefully.

HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone!