Thursday, October 17, 2013

Reminder Request

Well, the government is back, open for business. That's a good thing. Now the fools who caused the trouble will visit a new alternate universe to concoct a story to explain the productive accomplishment that their respective political side can claim.

The fact is, nothing was accomplished except for the possible clarifying of who the fanatical obstructionists in Congress really are. At the very least, the one benefit of the whole last two weeks should come in 2014 - IF the Progressives and all the media outside of Fox News will properly remind the electorate of who these fools are. The names and photos of all 144 House members who voted "Nay" last night (to re-opening the government) should be almost constantly paraded in front of the voters who need to decide what they want their representatives to represent.

The next Congress needs to be one of action.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You're back, even if only briefly. I truly meant what I wrote about your being sane. I feel that I am surrounded by insanity where I live and work, so I do look forward to your take on life, religion, philosophy and politics. Very refreshing, compared to what is in my face on a daily basis.

    I hope you're feeling better and stronger every day.
    Joyce Rutter
