Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Aliens - of the Close Kind

Another forwarded article has drifted my way, as forwards often do because of well-intentioned efforts of thoughtful folks in my circle of contacts.  This one dealt rather harshly with the ever-present Illegal Aliens among us.  Unfortunately, not space aliens.  (Surprisingly, none of my friends can claim to have direct contact with these as yet!)  If I understood the message properly, the particular aliens in question in this case were the Hispanic border-crossing hordes(!).

Often do I ponder the wonders of dumb luck.  Of pure chance.  WE [humans] have nothing whatsoever to say about where WE are born.  And WE who happened to be born in the USA are so pleased to fly OUR flag and snuggle up to the concept of WE - the People.  The people of a particular country.  WE who are fortunate to be born on a piece of our planet that might lie just across a river, or across an invisible line called a border, from folks born in another, perhaps poorer, division of the planet, somehow can become attached to OUR little plot and feel a ferocious possessiveness about it.  Hardly ever is there a big thing made of being part of the WE of North America.  Or the WE of the whole Western Hemisphere.  More likely the fiercest of OUR personal loyalties are broken down to individual states due to "friendly" competitions such as in college and professional sports.  Texans who have never played a sport can be heard to say that WE have a better team than THEY do - the THEY being maybe Oklahoma or Arkansas.  And those in Kansas might say "WE are better than Nebraska."  The same kind of exclusivism is big in politics, commerce and other institutions within our society.

Of course WE (as individuals) are at times entirely put out by other members of the WE who don't see things the way WE do.  I am taken aback often by the way in which I am expected to be a loyal part of a WE group in which I am a total misfit. 

As an agent for real estate sales, I am actually expected at times by a few members of MY small community to be true to OUR type and do my best to avoid selling property to THEM.  And it's not always clear which part of the THEM is most undesirable to US, but I am supposed to understand and help keep some kind of purity in OUR neighborhood.  Keeping US protected from those of another race, I believe is what's being hinted at by MY fellow lily-white Anglos.  Some have the gall to assume that I would surely want only folks just like themselves to become MY new neighbors.  Truth be told, many of the people I find myself having to deal with simply because of our proximity, I would gladly replace with nicer people.  Maybe that's the kind of red-lining I could unethically practice - refusing to sell property to anyone who isn't nice!

Typically I detest being thought of as one of US.  Especially to join against THEM.

Remember the scene in The Sound of Music film when the infatuated eldest daughter confronted the good guy she had seen at least once (and shared a spirited duet of Sixteen Going on Seventeen), in the courtyard of the church?  He was hunting down her escaping family because he was now part of the Hitler Youth, working his way into the Nazi military.  She thought she was appealing to his good guy inner core by saying "You'll never be one of THEM."  And he blew the whistle.  He so wanted to be one of THEM.  And we know from history, Hitler so wanted the likes of him and other blond, blue-eyed Aryans who could help him establish the master race and rid the world of all the OTHERS - those who simply weren't pure enough to live among the master race.

Are WE, the accidental citizens of the USA, part of a master race?  Oh, wait, WE are already made up of many races, thanks to all the aliens who arrived here over generations, so what kind of master-GROUP are we now considering ourselves?  And are WE too good to have to endure aliens?

The forwarded message I mentioned at the beginning was pointing out all the waste of OUR dollars in caring for the hordes of illegals crossing OUR borders.  The question being asked was, why should WE have to feel responsible to spend OUR hard-earned money helping THEM?  It was an exemplary effort made to study the amounts of money spent on health care for THEM and in losses of jobs that WE could have had if THEY weren't allowed to stay in OUR country.  Then the article brought up the concern that a bunch of stinking Liberals will try to take the heat off those budget-draining aliens by saying that it's the stupid wars in which we are embroiled that should be ended so money could be saved in that way.  The point being made by the writer, it seems, is that the wars are fine; if WE could just quit spending so much on THEM, the illegal aliens who dare to sneak into OUR country, then WE could go on spending money where it needs to be spent - killing enemies.

The writer's fairly transparent attitude was that instead of spending OUR money on aliens, it might be better to stand them up in rows and mow them down with bullets. 

First of all, even if his huge figures (spent on aid) were factual, they are still a pittance when compared to what has been spent in the wars we have [mis]managed over the last decade.  But here's the rub to a devout Humanist and progressive idealist such as I:  ANY amount spent on war is TOO MUCH.  Any amount spent to assist human beings, inside or outside any border, is money well spent.  When considering the two choices of helping people on the one hand and killing people on the other, I choose to be on the side of helping humans live.


  1. Being the descendant (totally) of Immigrants, I tend to respect the spirit behind immigration. It's the uncontrolled Illegal type of Immigration I object to.

    We long ago should have taken steps to welcome guest workers and make them legal for the time they are here. But, too many profit from having a shadow population of illegal semi-slaves to exploit, and they are exploited. There are a lot of facets to this whole thing that few, including myself, I'm sure, only understand and appreciate in part.

  2. Now please comment if you see this is wrong so I can correct my distorted perceptions (to the degree that it might be possible to do so).

    It just seems to me, the specific problem of Mexican illegals crossing the border into the United States is a problem with the Mexican society at large. Mexico is a country rich with resources (oil, for example). The general populace in Mexico could be prosperous.

    It is my understanding that the Spaniards and Portuguese came as unwelcome aliens some centuries back and conquered the people and took the riches. They had many, many bastard children they did not claim as their own and became the familes of the rich ruling class which has continued to today. Their descendants hold the wealth and power. They are not about to share (if what I understand is true). They leave the people in poverty, misery and squalor and are more than happy (ecstatic, really) when those whom they have abandoned in their own selfishness, cross the border to leave and become someone else's problem.

    Assuming that this scenario is true (and I could be wrong), it is incumbent upon US to hold THEM accountable and take ownership to solve this problem. They broke it (or their forebears did), they continue to break it and don't want to take responsibilty to fix it.

    There should be plenty of wealth to go around. The people should be happy and prosperous. Mexico should have poor people crossing their border to benefit from the glorious utopia of a rich people. It simply isn't going to happen because of the self interest of the ruling class.

    Again, if this is true, WE should protest to the Mexicans to get with the program and show some humanity to help their own people. We should protest and make it stick and not let a single illegal alien into the United States until they have absolutely no reason to want to come (and, pardon me, I think we are rapidly approaching that as those who are rich, powerful and in control continue to make us commodities as livestock and we become the poor wretched masses yearning to be free).

    Now if we could do something about those darn illegal Canadians....

  3. Glad to see some comments here, gentlemen. Thanks. And I enjoyed that line about the Canadians.

    Douglas, I wouldn't attempt to correct or improve upon your point here in any way. You appear to have a good grasp on some of the history and capacities of Mexico, and I would love to see that day when our struggling poor could cross the border to the south for improving our lot. Hate to think of it, but we are not far from it today, as you point out. I am part of the 99% and will be participating in a few more protest marches.

    My sole reason to approach the issue was simply to produce some questions. How can anything ever be accomplished when so many begin looking at the immigration issue with the already adopted stance of hatred toward those who are of any other race or nationality? How can progress hope to grow out of backward thinking? How can peace in our world ever develop when so many warlike attitudes abound?

    Politically, I am far from the only one totally befuddled by the immigration problems we face. But I think we are lost for a clue while swimming in the soup of hatred and mistrust.
