Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Towel Toss Theory

My new theory is very simple, although the psychological elements could probably be (will be, maybe) bandied about for years to come.

Romney wants to throw in the towel but cannot handle the quitter image.

Often - probably far more often than most readers appreciate - I utilize golf as a way of expressing some point that is not at all golf related.  Here is another one.  When a putt rolls right to the edge of the cup and suddenly, seemingly against gravity and other physical laws, stops short or veers off or even turns slightly back away from the edge, one of the players will often remark that the ball looked into the abyss and got scared.  This may well be what has happened to Mitt Romney.

All the ridiculous gaffes and goofiness employed recently by Mitt Romney are surely part of a plan for a sneaky exit from center presidential stage after he got close enough to see into the abyss of the actual job.  He cannot simply announce his withdrawal from the race and upset all the mega donors and high-powered friends in the 1% crowd; he's got to be throwing the game!  His tax form trick should have been enough to accomplish this already.  Who said he was unqualified?  HE did!

And has everyone watched the news clips of his speech in Ohio that assails President Obama for the taxes he has raised on the middle class, then turns around and says that Obama has a new surprise plan to raise taxes on the middle class?  This is even more detrimental (because mental is the key word) than his revealing of his true self in a private meeting with rich friends.  He now seems like someone headed for a home where he can be cared for by medical & psychological professionals.  Soon he will be entirely unable to speak.  But of course, this may all be part of his real plan which is to exit public life while gaining pity rather than inciting the hatred of offended friends.

I will not feel sorry for him as he departs the scene to relax on a Grand Cayman beach sipping a cool tropical drink.  He will enjoy his whole new latitude and visiting his money more often.  They probably have beautiful executive nursing homes there also.

FLASH:  Late on the same day I posted this, Mr. Romney, in a positive thrust to make himself look good to all voters, proudly highlighted his commendable performance as a governor when he made sure all of his state's residents had health care.  Republicans are probably looking for a straight-jacket for Mitt's mouth and are ready to toss him bodily into the nursing home. 

10/05/12  NO - I have NOT revised my opinion following the first debate.  Good performance by the shape-shifter, but all based on false premises and outright lies.   

1 comment:

  1. Interesting thought. He certainly doesnit have the mental acuity to handle a demanding job like that.

    It's one thing to rampage and destroy businesses while pirating off their wealth and the retirement savings of their employees and quite another to be the chief executive of the greatest and most powerful nation on earth. You have to have some gigantic narcissistic balls to want to take that job on with no more qualifications and aptitudes than he has.
