Monday, April 1, 2013

What Kind of Fool . . .

It's April 1st and the day calls loudly for a post from someone such as I - yet I am not quite ready to go into detail on my foolish mistakes and their cost to my life.

Simply allow me to admonish you youngsters who have not yet reached 65 years of age: when the time comes to sign up for Medicare, accept it, and I mean all of it.  Opting for Part A only (the no-cost part)when I signed up three years ago did not seem foolish, and I can argue my innocence and in retrospect say that personal financial circumstances at the time almost demanded that I do as I did.  Only now does my foolishness appear.

I will expand on this post when I am more informed on my current condition - probably cannot wait until I am less foolish!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear this, Mark. One of our most vaulable things is Medicare and Medicare Plus insurance through AARP. We hope all turns out OK for you.
