Monday, November 5, 2012

Election Subjection

Sitting here alone on the day before the election, I am listening to the network news and shaking my head in total disbelief.  They are talking about a toss-up in the presidential race.

Unbelievable!  And but for two sinister points, a close race could not be happening.

With all the reasons, so clearly visible and repeated for years, not to trust Mitt Romney to do anything but dissemble; with the obvious move to destroy our national fiber by Romney's and Ryan's disturbing view of government, still people will cast votes for this ticket.  With clear numbers and convincing graphs to prove that a steady recovery is trudging forward, people will still vote for those who will throw out the gains made by the current government - gains that were made on behalf of the masses.  Those at the the top of our society in terms of wealth, those who needed no help to survive the Bush-whacked years and policies, are poised to receive yet again the huge pile of new gains in more and more (ad nauseum) wealth if the nation returns to those policies.  The vast majority who make up the basic electorate are actually considering their own delivery, by their unfathomable voting, into the depths of further depravity due to believing the most preposterous lies in political history.

There can be no doubt that the unlimited money from the citizens united floodgate has done its deed of DISuniting our electorate and has almost as certainly tapped into an undercurrent of subliminal racism to accomplish this dastardly disposition.  Actually, the citizens who cannot think straight and/or are unaware of their own deeply held racism, have indeed been united - against the rest of us and against their own futures.

At the risk of sounding like a despicable public figure's recent prediction, I say simply that if Romney wins this election, we - the people - will lose.  We as a nation will lose most of what we have become through centuries of gradual political give and take.  A Romney/Ryan takeover of government, coupled with the already strong far-right Congress, will assure that our future will become a theocratic plutocracy - no longer a democracy.  Many openly accept and want this.

I, for one, do NOT!

November 7th UPDATE:

When Ohio was announced, perhaps prematurely at 8:12 Pacific time last night, but announced for President Obama, I hugged my wife and said, "Now we won't have to find a new country."

Yes, I was serious.  Our precious nation, in my personal estimation, was saved by a thread.  Today I thank those millions of Americans who by the thinnest of margins came forward to keep us on the road to recovery rather than selling us out to the moneyed minority.  I can now go to work to scratch out a living and I expect that scratching now to lead to gradual success and improved conditions.  The President has enormous new labors ahead to keep building on the slow but steady climb out of the depths of financial ruin.  His work, and that of all Americans, will aid me in my slow but promising recovery and climb to a nominal comfort zone.

The real comfort comes in the knowledge that we still have a national integrity and a path forward under democracy - at least for the foreseeable future.

Thank you, fellow voters!


  1. Well said, Mark. I think all this angst has been a contributing factor to my jump in blood pressure.

  2. Well, Mark, I never contemplated finding a new country. I'm much to advanced in age to contemplate that, but I would have despaired for the future of my descendants.

    With the change in demagraphics and so many of the ossified, angry old white men who listen to Rush Limbaugh and Hannity like we used to listen to Herbert departing the scene, there is genuine hope. I see sane approaches all over the place and soon marriage restrictions will become an archaic relic of the past, along with our stupid war on drugs and many other inanities.

    Obama Care is the beginning and far from perfect. It needs changing but not repeal because of all the stupidity the opposition forced into it in the hope of destroying it. Now, sanity can begin to prevail.

    1. I'm completely with you on these points, Al. But here's a laugh for you: someone writing in the forum of the AC website was crying over the horrible outcome of the election and saying he is considering moving to Australia or New Zealand! We are really a divided lot today.

    2. Yes, we are divided, but the "sour grapes" will have to give way. When the grandstanding is over, reality will set in.
