Monday, October 14, 2013

Out of Pure Appreciation - -

No, I don't yet have the Blogger situation figured out (and this whole entry will come out looking unedited because the final "Publish" order just dumps all the style I try to create) - but a friend of many years has said something so nice in the previous comment that I simply MUST write something. Hope it's still something "sane" sounding to her.

The CROCK-MARKET is looking feeble again and may totally crash. Serves it right! As I wrote last year, the whole idea of that facade of an economy having any positive impact on any of us beyond the very wealthy, is a real crock. Perhaps this time around, a big tumble will hurt (that's actually probably not possible) a few of the biggest, fattest cats and something new and better will come of it. The rich and powerful keep on putting the hurt on the whole country (I am confident "they" have contributed to the government shutdown, paying off crooked legislators to get their way), so it's only right that they occasionally get a kick in the groin.

All for now. I promise to try again to correct the blogging system that is failing me - as soon as my body that is failing me gives me another decent break from biopsies and meds. Will keep you posted.

NOV 12 update: As you can see, this is now somewhat edited since I wrote the piece and since Al Dexter helped me work on the Blogger input. Also, the govt. shutdown ended (with new ways to shoot itself in the foot awaiting our illustrious Congress); The CROCK-MARKET has rebounded again, following greater than expected recovery taking place - all because that "*&-%$#@*# President" keeps on pushing forward right through the obstructionist efforts of the Republican fools; And I am feeling marginally stronger after many bouts of check-ups and treatments by various doctors. This week I was fitted for the devices to be used in administering my radiation therapy that will begin next week. May take another hit against my energy levels for a time, but I feel positive about the eventual outcome.

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