A friend of mine who is as new as I am to the blogoshpere just tried to sign in to the "followers" area. Very pleasing to hear about this interest in my new blog. My friend figured she could do this sign-up with an assumed username and maintain privacy. This did not prove as easily accomplished, however, and her actual name popped up after registering. [Her explanation to me was that "It knew who I was and just put my real name there!" Cute. She and I share this notion that some of these systems drifting in the ether are like poltergeists, not all of them either benevolent or just ornery.] We have deleted that name entry. (I need to protect my friends from openly associating with me, a known nut case!)
Another person thoughtfully offered a comment after my very very first post. I wanted to merely reply to that person within the "comments" area, but I found I could not readily do so. Attempting to add a comment to a comment threw me into an endless loop of signing in/sending comment. I ended up using a new post to make my reply, adding a fuller treatment of the subject. No harm done here, but I wonder why I couldn't do the reply in the simple method I first tried. "Simple" probably explains it; I'm just to simple to grasp the nuances of this site. Realizing almost all difficulties here are due to "pilot error," I beg for help!
Since I obviously started something with only a seed of an idea and little technical prepration for handling it, I would be very appreciative if anyone who knows more about the workings of blog sites, or even how this particular "Blogger" site works, would toss out a pointer or two. For instance, how can I simplify the use of the "Comments" area for anyone to drop me a note? And can I as site "manager" (I speak as a fool), move comments around or archive them with links to find a particular respondent's grouped comments? This operation seems to to be available in some other blogs I have visited.
Obviously there are no time-restrictions on this request for assistance. The sooner, the better would be nice, naturally. But if I prove to be capable of keeping this going for years, most likely I will need to continually learn new things from others more capable and experienced than I. Perhaps my five-year-old grandson will be able to teach me some technical know-how, at least within a very few years.
Good Cheer from the Neutral Zone
We shall see now whether my extra research has allowed me to comment on my own post! So far, no luck.
ReplyDeleteOkay - as "Anonymous" I can comment, which means hopefully anyone can. However, the system won't allow me to comment from my own account to this area - perhaps a confused loop effect halts progress. So YOU try it, please - using an assumed username, I hope, to see what happens.