Wednesday, January 29, 2014

State of Reality

Fifty years from now, I don't expect to be here. I certainly expect my grandson will be here, nearing 60 years of age.

It would not be logical to expect Barack Obama to still be here, but it is possible he will surpass the century mark and enjoy many years of post-presidency productivity.

What I DO expect to occur at some point while they both still occupy space on this planet, is that these two and millions of others will read historical accounts of this presidential administration that was one of the very most successful in our national history. And the honesty and devotion to fact that historians are known to possess will make them also point out that no president ever had to work so hard to accomplish what citizens wanted and needed, simply because the other elected politicians of his day comprised the most worthless congress on record. And the problem wasn't just that they were lacking in any practical ability to perform their job, they were instead devoted to an effort to impede the president's and the nation's steps forward.

With a huge stroke of luck, the 2014 elections may return control of the congress to people who want to help an amazingly capable chief executive to do an even greater job of building our country.

The view back from the future will surely prove what I assert today. I so wish I could be around to witness the written words of historians.

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