Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Soccey? Or Hocker?

Awesome! and Beautiful! were a couple of words being gushed by a news reporter trying to describe his view of the big World Cup game that apparently "we" won in Brazil.

Last week, one of my local friends could hardly contain himself over the thrill of watching the Los Angeles Kings winning a game over a New York team in another "Cup" finals match. This week it was a different friend completely over-the-top with excitement about "our" team going into the big Brazilian games.

Maybe you have discerned by this point that I am neither a fan of these games nor even interested in knowing what the excitement is all about. To me, these two sports could be blended into one, called either soccey or hocker. Actually, I rather see them as the same game with some folks adding ice, skates and sticks. Both games are tedious, too long, too low scoring and too violent with the many invitations to injury of the bodies being twisted and smashed in all manner of "great plays."

Even if anyone took my suggestion and combined these to create a hybrid that may be more interesting (somehow increasing the scoring), I probably still couldn't work up any excitement over it. Certainly not enough to gush that a game was "Awesome!"

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